Le Rolling Club
CuratorFlorence Ostende
Jean-Luc Moulène
Hôtel de Région Rhône-Alpes
Le Plateau
1 esplanade François Mitterrand
From 16/03/2015
To 11/04/2015
Le Rolling Club
Objets d’art, de design et singuliers
The concept for The Rolling Club emerged from a dialogue between curator Florence Ostende and artist Jean-Luc Moulène about exhibitions that have influenced their work. Their conversations meandered back over time as far as 1965, the year of The Objectors exhibition curated by writer Alain Jouffroy. At the same time that conscientious objectors were given tentative recognition, these 'vision objectors' were artists who promoted the notion of 'thought trapped in things' through objects 'defined as the meeting of two projections: one that calls us and another that strikes us', writes Jouffroy. The Rolling Club therefore retraces the history of the object 'thrown into us'. As such, it is not an exhibition about objects in art and design, but rather an exhibition about their relationship with the thought that brought them into being, regardless of their status and their authorship. With about a hundred works on display, The Rolling Club brings together three categories of objects ('art', 'design' and 'uncategorisable objects') placed on three separate circuits crossing each other in order to suggest random combinations that written history had doubtless never anticipated would be put together. Whether they pass on knowledge, beliefs or energy, or serve as vehicles for pleasure or pain, these works stem from schools of thought that did not necessarily aim to produce 'finished' objects, such as anti-design and body art. The ontological uncertainty encapsulated in models, moulds, prototypes and mathematical objects led the curators to speculate on other kinds of manifestations that collapse rituals of production and consumption, the experience of which would be determined by the visitor in their capacity as 'objector'.
Curators: Florence Ostende in collaboration with Jean-Luc Moulène
Assistant curator : Mathilde de Croix
Monday 16 March 2015 / 18:30
Le Rolling Club
Monday 16 March 2015 / 18:30
Hôtel de Région Rhône-Alpes
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© Cristiano Toraldo di Francia

© ADAGP Daniel Pommereulle, Courtesy Galerie Christophe Gaillard / Photo : Rurik Dmitrienko

© ADAGP Tetsumi Kudo, Courtesy Galerie Christophe Gaillard / Photo : Rurik Dmitrienko