SiteVillage des Créateurs du Passage Thiaffait
19 rue René Leynaud
69001 Lyon
From 19/03/2015
To 28/04/2015
DesignLAB au Passage Thiaffait
The Village des créateurs and Youfactory are offering a series of workshops led by designers and open to all on the question of the development of a shared public space: the Passage Thiaffait.Co-design of the plans for the Passage Thiaffait: Participants will be grouped into multi-disciplinary teams led by a guest designer and they will go out and choose an item for which will design a new look.
Co-production in the Youfactory workshops: The teams will make prototypes of their ideas and then produce the fruit of their joint work in Youfactory's workshops. The design laboratory will be chance to question the impact of the collaborative on the beautiful.
Information on the workshop opening hours is available on the designlabaupassagethiaffait.wordpress.com blog.

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© Loïc Benoît, Village des créateurs

© Loïc Benoît, Village des créateurs

© Loïc Benoît, Village des créateurs

© Youfactory