Opening Conference 

Bifurcations: imposed or chosen paths

Conference 6 april 10:30 - 12:30

par Olivier PeyricotCité du design
Auditorium de l’Esadse
rue Marius Patinaud
42000 Saint-Étienne
Version française

This opening conference, moderated by Sylvain Bourmeau, journalist, producer of La Suite dans les idées on France Culture and director of the daily media AOC, will give the floor to the curators of the exhibitions of the Biennale and to Dusan Kazic, anthropologist, associate researcher at the Université de Grenoble. This is a unique opportunity to hear their points of view and to understand the angle they chose on the theme of Bifurcations, choosing the essential.   


Conference replay (Fr)

Societies have been regularly reorienting themselves in the history of humanity. Whether they are responsible for this (societal project, life choice, technological innovation, etc.) or whether they are victims (disaster, war, dictatorship, etc.), the risk to populations at the moment of bifurcations is always extremelly high, threatening to exclude or even sacrifice entire groupsof people. The projection exercise is more than necessary to anticipate our capacities to face any type of bifurcations. And to accompany them with the right tools. In this Biennale, the catalogue of bifurcating objects unfolds before our eyes in the cutting edge of ideas: respect for the Living, management of the resources, gender equality, the commons, amateur practices, idea of sharing, free access, universal salary, the System D and resourcefulness, open source, free software, technical democracy...

However, the objects and systems conceived by designers will outlast our lives and will survive well beyond our lifetime: each object is a component of the earth's envelope and its heritage will have to be managed until it is reduced to a microparticle.  What is essential thus passes from the sole question of ethics of designers, to the question of politics of all.

From now on, design will drive technical controversies, equip its partners - and all its publics - with collaborative design methods, and create open platforms to welcome third parties into the project. 

This Deep Design materializes in the society in crisis with new forms of sobriety, alterity, democracy and the connection to the Living. Design, this tool born of industrial capitalism, is probably becoming the tool of bifurcations: let's put it up for debate, that's the challenge of this 2022 edition of the Biennale Internationale Design Saint-Étienne.

Olivier Peyricot, designer researcher , Scientific Director of the 12th Biennale Internationale Design Saint-Etienne


The conference starts at 10:30, please arrive 15 minutes before.

10h30 - 10h40 : opening by Gaël Perdriau, Mayor of Saint-Étienne, President of Saint-Étienne Métropole, Marc Chassaubéné, President of the Cité du design - École Supérieure d'Art et Design Saint-Étienne and Thierry Mandon, Director General of the Cité du design

10h40 - 10h50 : introduction by Sylvain Bourmeau : "Bifurcations: imposed or chosen paths" 1

10h50 - 11h10 : Dusan Kazic : From the Production to the relationships with "Other-than-human" on the Living.
How can we move from production to habitability on this Earth in relation to the 'Other-than-human' world? This is the question that will be addressed during the talk. In order to make this paradigmatic break, the anthropologist relies on a survey of the sensitive relationship between farmers and their plants in France.
11h10 - 11h20 : discussion moderated by Sylvain Bourmeau

11h20 - 12h00 : Round Table with the curators Catharine Rossi, Jana Scholze, Penny Sparke (At Home), Florian Traullé (Dépliages), Franck Houndégla (Singulier Plurielles), followed by the discussion moderated by Sylvain Bourmeau

12h00 - 12h30 : Round Table table with the curators Ernesto Oroza (A l’intérieur de la production), Benjamin Graindorge et Sophie Pene (Le monde sinon rien), Olivier Peyricot et Anne Chaniolleau (Autofiction)followed by the discussion moderated by Sylvain Bourmeau


The event is open to all free of charge upon registration and will be broadcast live on this website.

Registration in person or online

La Biennale pourra être amenée à modifier les conditions d’accueil et le programme en fonction du contexte extérieur. Nous vous recommandons de vérifier la page de l’événement sur ce site web  avant tout déplacement.

Lire aussi 2022, une 12e biennale héritière
Choisir l’essentiel : petit retour sur 24 ans qui révèlent les mutations du design
Lire aussi Design en commun
Se préparer aux bifurcations
Lire aussi Les enjeux de la Biennale en quelques livres
Livres à partager : une bibliographie pour explorer, anticiper, réfléchir aux bifurcations qui sont devant nous

par Olivier PeyricotCité du design
Auditorium de l’Esadse
rue Marius Patinaud
42000 Saint-Étienne
Version française

1Title in French : Subir ou choisir ses bifurcations ? 
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