Pholiage © ArtBuild Architects 2017 Paul Koslowski Courtesy ArtBuild Architects

Du sensoriel au biomimétisme

Looking to a more sensitive, sustainable future

Exhibition 6 april - 31 july

par Raphaël PigeatCité du design
3 rue Javelin Pagnon
42000 Saint-Étienne
Cité du design, Centrale Lyon ENISE, Ceebios (Centre for biomimicry), Big Bang Project agency

Our consumer model – from the extraction of raw materials to objects' end of life, and taking in their production and use – is showing its limits: it using up resources and generating huge quantities of waste.
Conversely, nature seems to be capable of renewing ad infinitum, of constantly transforming without producing unnecessary, polluting waste. Could imitating nature enable us to overcome the major ecological and societal crisis that we are now living through?

Humans have always created things, innovated with nature as a model. Today biomimetics, or biomimicry, is being used to solve human problems and to try and find new ways of living better and more sustainably with our environments. First of all by leading us to observe the living world, it is also an invitation to look more closely at sensation and sensoriality. And therefore to find a more sensory, less utilitarian relationship with the body.

Du sensoriel au biomimétisme (From the sensory to biomimicry) explores the living from in a sensory form, in response to the ecological and societal crisis that we are living through. This journey through material, processes, the sensory and methodologies based on the living world invites to change the way we see that world so that we can build a more sensitive, complementary and above all, more sustainable future.

par Raphaël PigeatCité du design
3 rue Javelin Pagnon
42000 Saint-Étienne
Cité du design, Centrale Lyon ENISE, Ceebios (Centre for biomimicry), Big Bang Project agency

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