Portrait et cuillère de Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Inox, 2016
Biennale OFF

Cuillères de mariage

Marriage spoons: In the 17th and 18th centuries in Brittany, it was the custom for men to give a spoon to ask for a woman's hand in marriage, and if it was accepted, it would be hung up in the house, where it became an emblem. Here in a language of tradition, the spoon takes on a social function and a status other than its primary function as a utensil. A social dimension that has vanished in the commotion of mass society. To question these modern issues, Clara Levieuge has gleaned eight spoons belonging to eight celebrities.
This designer's way of evoking our relationship with objects today.
Portrait et cuillère de Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Inox, 2016
Site :
11 rue de la Résistance – Saint-Étienne