Enseigne de l’Atelier de la Fontaine / Pose des lettres de la nouvelle enseigne de l’atelier partagé.


Human Cities╱

Hypermatière offers mobile, evolutive, reversible and recyclable interventions to experiment the various temporalities linked to the uses that accompany the development of a changing neighbourhood. Hypermatière is a group made up of different structures and people from the Crêt-de-Roch district. Through collaborative artistic projects and solidarity services on Neyron area, it enables inhabitants to be creative actors of the transformations of their district, whether than worried spectator. The Hypermatière project allows to highlight a "space in movement" on the scale of a neighbourhood, showing the process and the relevance of these contributing practices.

  • - Amicale laïque du Crêt de Roch = Education Populaire
  • - Association de valorisation de déchets = Bricolage & Ateliers de sensibilisation
  • - Captain Ludd = Menuiserie & Concertation
  • - Rues du développement durable = redynamisation de rez de chaussée vacant
  • - Esther Yai Acosta Valois = Mosaïste & artiste
  • - Mathieu Benoit Gonin = Jardinier & Formateur

Hypermatière is an initiative of the European program Human Cities_Challenging the City Scale coordinated by the Cité du Design.

Programme - Inscription aux ateliers
Site :
47 rue Neyron - Saint-Etienne
